Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day #1 A Visit to Blanca and her family in Guagula

We arrived back in Pimampiro today after a 4 hour bus ride from Quito. After we dropped our gear, we called a taxi and headed up to Guagula to visit Blanca and her family for lunch. Guagula is a mountain village of about 15 families high up in the northern Andes. Blanca prepared a wonderful lunch which included soup, a fresh salad from her garden and a rice, corn and bean dish. Everything was wonderful and she and her family were so gracious. After lunch Blanca took us down the mountainside to see her organic garden. We had to hike down a narrow path which hugged to mountainside. These Ecuadorian mountain women are such hard workers and wonderful providers for their families. I was also so impressed with Erin and Hope for jumping right into the Ecuadorian experience on their first day in country.

Tomorrow we start our 8 day arts camp with the kids from Pimampiro, Paragachi and Carpuela.
More adventures to follow........

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