Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Visit to the Senior Center 30.6.12

On Friday we went to a community association meeting at the senior center. Due to falling oil prices the government is planning to cut back on the funding for the  daily meals served at the center.
 There was no cost for each meal in the past, however, each person now is being asked to pay
 50 cents a day. Many are so poor they can't even afford to pay this amount. This is their main meal for the day. Usually they would have bread and coffee in the morning and a small snack in the evening.
As you could imagine, there was great concern over this issue. There is such solidarity among the community members, individuals were donating whatever they could to help out the less fortunate.

I took individual photos of all the seniors present so that viewers of the blog can see the personal impact of this issue.

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