Saturday, July 7, 2012

Random Photos

From time to time I will post random photos I took from around Imbabura Province.

Now this guy has good reception.....

Fresh squeezed Tangerine juice

A very cool Indiginas dude. Sue liked this guy's look.

A chicita at a local elementary school (escuela)

One cool momacita!

The stadium at Ibarra

Carpuela sign on the Pana

This was a gravel and stone company near Pimampiro

Ninos at the elementary school. They love to have their picture taken.

Gravel Hombre

Very cool street art in Ipialis, Colombia

Random pic in Pimampiro

Cows in Paragachi

View from Paragachi

Yes they are being towed... Oh My God!!

Fresh juice in the Pimampiro market, this stuff is muy bueno!!

Images at Colegio de Pimampiro

From Colegio de Pimampiro

This is where we have our laundry done. 25 articles cost about $3.00

This was taken at the graduation today at Colegio (high school) de Pimampiro. Hey, the kid was hungry!!

View of the church in Pimampiro

OJT for the local teens

Mis amigos at Mirador

Laundry day

Just a cool truck !

Kids at the graduation today

Yup, they're goats in downtown Ibarra
Buenos Dias Mis Amigos

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