Tuesday, July 31, 2012

FINAL Blog from Ecuador

Becky, Susanna and Paul

Susanna and Chris

25 cent ice cream cone..... yaaaaaa

This will be my last blog post from Ecuador. Sue, Sonia and I departed Pimampiro yesterday, 30.7.12. It was a long taxi drive from Pimampiro to Ibarra, then another 3 hour taxi drive to Quito. Sonia's family came down by bus to see her off. As I post this message and images we are in Panama City awaiting our the last leg of journey to Newark. Sonia is doing well but a little out of her comfort zone and a wee bit tired as we all are. Upon arrival in Newark we have a 2 hour drive to Emmaus. I will then depart for the final 3 hour leg of my journey to Maryland.

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