Friday, July 27, 2012

We return to Estates Unidas on Tuesday 7/31/12

I will have only a few more posts as Sue, Soni and I leave for the U.S. on Tuesday 7/31/12. No photo post today but tomorrow we head for Otavalo for a shopping trip for Sonia so I will post the new images from our trip.
Ecuador has been an amazing adventure for me. I love the people and the spectacular mountainous terrain. And the children of Ecuador are so beautiful and have such a bright light in their eyes. I will miss the opportunity to share my days with them.

If anyone is interested in images from my blog you can contact me after August 2nd and I will be glad to email you a high resolution image.

My Contact Information is:
L. Michael Adams  410-353-1086
648 Broadneck Rd.
Annapolis, Md., 21409

NOTE: my cell phone does not work in Ecuador and my email won´t be activated until sometime after August 2nd.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael, how are you? as you say that you can send hig resolution images of your blog, could you please send me the pictures you posted of Antonia and Matea, and of course the onces that you still not posted but that you took. I meant to ask you before but everything went by so fast! Iren
