Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sunset Over Pimampiro y Nos Adventura de Colombia

I took this picture a few days ago as we were returning home one evening.  I loved the silhouette and the contrast between the natural pine trees and the electric wires.

Yesterday, we went to Colombia for a day trip. We traveled by bus and taxi. It took about 3 hours with several security checks by Drug Enforcement Police and border guards. Thank God we had our passports or we would have been detained. The bus ride was ok but these taxi drivers are either jacked up on coca leaves or mas loco. I thought we were going to die at least 6 times when he would pass someone across double lines going up a hill on a curve in the rain....  Chuta!......Oh Dios Mios!!! Well I guess it wasn't our day to die. I will post images from the Colombian adventure as soon as I finish editing them. I did buy a pound of real Colombian coffee and believe me it is NOT like the Colombian coffee we buy in the U.S. It is so smooth I could drink it with just a little cane sugar and no milk, cafe negro, they call it. I will be bringing a pound of that as well as  several bars of the BEST Ecuadorian chocolate back with in the end of July. So stop by mi casa and I will serve you the best chocolate on the planet and a cup of Colombian coffee. Es Mehor!!

Buen Dia mis amigos!

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