Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Living in a Rainbow

Today we visited Paula's family in a small community called Cebadal 12,000 ft up in the Northern Andes. When we arrived we were greeted by Paula, her mom, Susana, her grandparents, Maria and Victor, her little sister Lorena and multiple cousins and uncles. We were immediately invited in to share a lunch of lentils and rice with fresh lemonade.  After lunch Susana invited us to go on a hike up the mountain to see her terraced gardens. Along the way,she loaded up a bag of peas, potatoes, onions, ground cherries, and misc. veggies. Soon we were on top of the world and had a spectacular 360 degree view. We proceeded on to her brothers farm and were warmly greeted by yet another group of family members. We were quickly ushered to the granadilla(Passion fruit) canopy where we feasted on this luscious fruit..."all we need now is a hammock", joked Sue, and within minutes a make-shift one was erected. As we were leaving this mountain top garden of Eden, we were enveloped in a brilliant rainbow...can it get any better than this?

It is so easy to fall in love with this country and its people.......

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