Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Los Gentes de Ecuador

Blog Post for 6/11/12

We just got back from Carpuela, a local poor village of black Ecuadorians about a 15 minute bus ride from Pimampiro. Riding the bus in Ecuador is a complete cultural experience and it is the main mode of transportation between villages. We spent 2 hours meeting with local village woman to plan our 2 week art camp in July. It will involve teaching about thirty five 8 to 12 year old village kids photography, ceramics and   traditional fashion design incorporating indigenous dance. We will be integrating all of the activities with several mestizo kids (they are the upper class Ecuadorians from Pimampiro) with 30 kids from the black village of Carpuela. Photos to follow.

The photos on this post show images of the market and local people of Pimampiro.
Including the Sunday market, typical street scenes and the Corpus Christie Procession last night.

 It is hard to describe the openness and kindness of these people. They so appreciate the smallest act of kindness and respond with such gratitude. People show affection to one another openly in public, girls and women walk arm in arm, little boys walk with their arms around each other, brothers and sisters hug and hold each other while walking down the street. People greet one another on the street, hug each other when meeting and share anything they have with you. It is so unfamiliar to the average American that it  takes you by surprise.

And yes I have actually eaten pork ( Choncho) once at a local restaurant. A complete meal for two was $5. Everything is fresh from the market each day. Farmers and Indigenous people bring their goods to market everyday in Pimampiro so you always have the best and freshest.

Buenos Noches mis Amigos... Manana!

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