Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Street Scenes in Pimampiro Yesterday, 25.6.12

These were random images I caught of local people in Pimampiro as Sue and I walked up to Mirador to deliver some toys to the local children. When we visited them a few days ago the kids only had a broken hoola hoop to play with so we decided to bring Christmas to them a little early. We chose a local boy named Jefferson to be in charge of distributing and collecting the toys each evening
(3 hoola hoops, a set of marbles, three wooden tops, a small soccer ball and three rubber balls).

Donations for these kids are always welcome. And they are so appreciative of even the smallest act of kindness. As we were leaving Jefferson's home, his father gave us a small bag of tomatoes and some fresh cheese in gratitude for our small gift to the children of his village.
The image of the satellite dish was of a private home, talk about good reception..........

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